Third Place for International Students

For eight years, every Friday night during the academic year our ministry hosted students for a free meal and a chance to practice English, make friends, and talk about topics that allowed us to share our worldviews. We played music, learned about different cultures, looked forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. We […]
How to Get International Students Connected With the Local Church

One of the bedrock principles God has used to guide my heart in evangelism came from a statement in Oscar Thompson, Jr.’s book on relationship evangelism, Concentric Circles of Concern. It is found in the first few sentences in Chapter 1. He said, “The most important word in the English language apart from proper nouns, […]
Reaching International Students on Campus

According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), over one million students from countries around the world are currently studying in colleges and universities in the United States. When we think of taking the gospel of Jesus “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8), we can begin by reaching out to the international students […]

As we start out the new year, our students and ministries may be thinking of how to connect with international students. Sometimes we charge right in with spiritual conversations without knowing much about these students, what their context is, or what their spiritual needs and questions are. We often lack a bridge to help them […]
Love Thy Neighbor: The International Student

The college campus is still one of the most diverse places in our nation. There is no other place where differing views, cultures and life experiences so come together in one place. We have more countries and cultures represented on our campuses than ever before. The nations have literally arrived in our towns and neighborhoods […]
Join Us in Welcoming the Nations this September!

Each year, millions of international students make their way to the U.S. and Canada to study at one of our many universities or colleges. God is bringing the nations to our doorstep! We must be found faithful in welcoming them! Over the past several years, the Baptist Collegiate Network has deemed September Welcoming the Nations […]
Understanding and Sharing Christ with Buddhist Friends

Most estimates suggest that almost 233 million people worldwide hold to some form of Buddhism. If true, that means 3.3 percent of the world’s population is Buddhist. Yet for many of us, Buddhism remains relatively unknown. Many understand it as little more than a distant, peaceful religion held by Asians in faraway lands. The truth, […]
International Student Ministry Prayer Guide: September

September 1: Pray for international students to be welcomed by American students and families. September 2: Pray for the many international scholars that are making American university campuses their home. September 3: Pray for international students struggling with language and cultural challenges.
Tips for sharing with Hindus

Many people of other faiths are open to hearing about Jesus and Christianity. Just begin with a conversation with them. Hinduism is the major religion of both India and Nepal, but is also found in other parts of South Asia and around the world. Hindu worshippers are found in almost every part of the world. […]
The Global Thread Through Scripture

Aspects of Christs’ global cause can be found in every book of the Bible. Read straight through the passages listed here in one sitting. Watch how this grand theme weaves its way from Genesis to Revelation. Watch how the theme comes through, however, in a way that is compatible with each book and with that […]