Sharing the Gospel With East Asians – Storying the Bible

1 True Story from the Bible: This is a summary story of the Most High God’s relationship with the world. This story is from a book called the Bible. Men did not make up the Bible. It is the word of the Most High God. The Most High God is more powerful than any ancestor, […]

Resources For Developing Cross-Cultural Friendships With Internationals

Ministering to internationals in our community is a paradox in many ways. On the one hand, loving the world that has come to us can be as simple as opening heart and home as a tangible expression of Christ’s love. Yet the closer our friendship becomes, the more clearly we observe the cultural differences that […]

Conversation Starters with Muslims

Asking questions (a) communicates respect and interest in them as a person, (b) gives you insight into how to communicate the gospel to that person, and (c) earns you the right to share what you believe. Below are some conversations starters. Obviously you don’t want to legalistically ask each of these questions in this order to every […]

ethneCITY: “Bold as Love”

“[Migration] is God’s orchestration over the face of the earth so that believers are connected with non-believers so that the gospel can grow in organic ways all throughout the world.” Dr. Bob Roberts


For many years, the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as other Great Commission Christian groups, have encouraged local churches to “embrace” unreached and unengaged people groups through prayer, short-term missions, and church planting. While that remains an important and valuable strategy, today’s diaspora expands the possibilities of reaching the unreached […]

A tool to connect with internationals.

Episode 50: Evangelism Toolbox – Perspective Cards – Collegiate Collective. If you’re looking for effective tools to engage students in spiritual conversations, Perspective Cards are it. The Cards include various topics for conversation starters which help students discover and/or discuss their own worldviews. It allows for a way to talk about the meaning and purpose […]